Thursday, April 4, 2013


                          Agent Out Of Sync
Error Messages you may see:
Did not receive valid response to ping "ERROR-Agent is blocked. Blocked reason is: Agent is out-of-sync with repository. This most likely means that the agent was reinstalled or recovered. Please contact an EM administrator to unblock the agent by performing an agent resync from the console. Please contact EM adminstrator to unblock the agent"
Error: The Oracle Management Server(OMS) has blocked this agent because it has either been reinstalled or restored from a filesystem backup. Please click on the Agent Resynchronization button to resync the agent.
The communication between OMS and agent does not work. This is in most cases because something has been changed to one of the components so the SSL certificate is not valid anymore. Therefore you have to resecure the agent.
Try these solutions in the following order:

* Resync Agent

From the Grid Control console, click on the Agent target.

Select "Agent Resynchronization" from the bottom menu.

* Run the following commands for Agent Clearstate.

set ORACLE_HOME=E:\oracle\agent11g

emctl status agent

emctl stop agent

emctl clearstate agent

emctl start agent

emctl upload agent

emctl status agent

* Remove all of the following from the Agent Home (for UNIX/LINUX- rm *.* under each directory)

del /Q E:\oracle\Middleware\agent11g\sysman\emd\state\*
del /Q E:\oracle\Middleware\agent11g\sysman\emd\upload\*
del E:\oracle\Middleware\agent11g\sysman\emd\lastupld.xml
del E:\oracle\Middleware\agent11g\sysman\emd\agntstmp.txt
del E:\oracle\Middleware\agent11g\sysman\emd\protocol.ini
del E:\oracle\Middleware\agent11g\sysman\emd\blackouts.xml

set ORACLE_HOME=E:\oracle\agent11g

emctl stop agent
emctl start agent
emctl status agent

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