Monday, May 6, 2013

Oracle Application Express(APEX) Installation Step by Step

Environment: Oracle Windows 32bit,, Oracle database EE, APEX, 4GB RAM

1) Download the software
You can download APEX 4.2 from  I downloaded  the “only english” zip file. You can download the documentation separately.

2) copy and extract the software
Now copy and extract the file to your machine. I use “unzip” to unzip the zip file. This will create a folder named “apex”. I kept this folder on my machine in a permanent location, c:\apex.

3) check the tablespace requirements –
You need about 275MB of free space in the APEX tablespace (mine is called “APEX”) and 100MB of free space in the SYSTEM tablespace.
Note: Not a problem if you haven’t created one, this will get created once your APEX installation is complete and you start creating workspaces.

SQL executions:

Now login to DOS prompt or PUTTY and execute the sql’s wherever the APEX folder was unzipped:

C:\Users\vmummadi>cd C:\apex
C:\apex>dir – this will show all the contents under this folder.

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/  

- Pass tbs names as it will put its data and indexes here, it also uses the temp tbs and ‘i’ -is the virtual directory where it stores all images.

This will run for a very long time (anywhere between 30-90mins) depends on server and environment, for me it took 104mins. And it will generate a spool file under the same directory (install2013-05-02_15-24-49.log). At the end you should see success message something like this-

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

timing for: Install Internal Applications
Elapsed: 01:23:02.39 

Thank you for installing Oracle Application Express.

Oracle Application Express is installed in the APEX_040200 schema.

The structure of the link to the Application Express administration services is as follows:
http://host:port/pls/apex/apex_admin (Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql)
http://host:port/apex/apex_admin     (Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway)

The structure of the link to the Application Express development interface is as follows:
http://host:port/pls/apex (Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql)
http://host:port/apex     (Oracle XML DB HTTP listener with the embedded PL/SQL gateway)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 

Session altered. 

Performing Application Express component validation - please wait...

old   6:     if '^UPGRADE' = '1' then
new   6:     if '2' = '1' then
old   7:        dbms_registry.loaded('APEX','^version');
new   7:        dbms_registry.loaded('APEX','');
old   8:     elsif '^UPGRADE' = '2' then
new   8:     elsif '2' = '2' then
old  10:             dbms_registry.upgraded('APEX','^version');
new  10:             dbms_registry.upgraded('APEX','');
old  12:             dbms_registry.loaded('APEX','^version');
new  12:             dbms_registry.loaded('APEX','');
Completing registration process. 17:11:01
Validating installation.  17:11:02
...Database user "SYS", database schema "APEX_040200", user# "92" 17:11:02
...Compiled 0 out of 3004 objects considered, 0 failed compilation 17:11:02
...266 packages
...258 package bodies
...452 tables
...11 functions
...16 procedures
...3 sequences
...457 triggers
...1320 indexes
...0 libraries
...6 types
...0 type bodies
...0 operators
...0 index types
...Begin key object existence check 17:11:02
...Completed key object existence check 17:11:03
...Setting DBMS Registry 17:11:03
...Setting DBMS Registry Complete 17:11:03
...Exiting validate 17:11:03

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

timing for: Validate Installation
Elapsed: 00:00:02.88
old   1: alter session set current_schema = ^APPUN
new   1: alter session set current_schema = APEX_040200

Session altered.

timing for: Complete Installation
Elapsed: 01:46:11.17

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


1 row selected.

 n  If you don’t see something similar to this or any error this script will exit out before completing the execution, and we need to fix the error.

SQL> connect / as sysdba

- to check whether or not APEX is installed properly. The status should show VALID.

SQL> select status from dba_registry where comp_id='APEX'; 


Images script:  parameterit takes is one directory up. So this one directory level up-

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @apxldimg c:
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
 Loading images directory: c:\/apex/images
Directory created.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Commit complete.
Directory dropped.
timing for: Load Images
Elapsed: 00:10:31.41
C:\apex>sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu May 2 17:31:47 2013
Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> @apxconf
Enter values below for the XDB HTTP listener port and the password for the Application Express ADMIN user.
Default values are in brackets [ ].
Press Enter to accept the default value.
Enter a value below for the password for the Application Express ADMIN user.
Enter a password for the ADMIN user     [] – <enter password here>
(remember this pwd as you will use this for login as admin)
Session altered.
...changing password for ADMIN
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Enter a port for the XDB HTTP listener [      8080]
...changing HTTP Port
(leave it at 8080 if you don’t want to change the port number, if you want to change then change it to whatever you want, for LINUX there are rules to changes port numbers below 1024)
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

This completes the installation.

Now login to APEX admin:
localhost:8080/apex/apex_admin – this is the administrator page , local host since mine is local machine.
localhost:8080/apex/ - users access page
Now follow the instructions what it says from this page – Ex: change password, etc…

-Now you will be ablet o see lot of applications  like manage requests, manage instance, manage workspace, monitor activity.


  1. Thanks a lot, Vinay :-)
    Very simple and clear

  2. admin password is not working to enter localhost:8080/apex/apex_admin

  3. Merci bcp vous avez bien détaillé les choses, j'ai une erreur au moment de l'execution de @ apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
    l'erreur c'est : PLS-00302: Le composant 'G_12C' doit etre déclaré

  4. Are you trying to run this from the directory where apex resides before invoking sqlplus ?? you must change your working directory before calling sqlplus and the apexins.sql script.

    try this -
    cd c:\folderabc\apex
    run the apexins.sql script directly with no path prefix-

    SQL> @apexins.sql APEX APEX TEMP /i/


  5. i opened cmd and i've changed directory where resides apex: cd c:\Users\user\Desktop\apex but when i try to execute SQL> @apexins.sql APEX APEX TEMP /i/ i have an error: impossible to open file apexins.sql that's why i have tried SQL> @c:\Users\user\Desktop\apex\apexins.sql APEX APEX TEMPS /i/

  6. How can i send to you a screenshot of what i have exactly done it will help to detect the error ?

    need your help, Thank you

  7. go to -START-->RUN 'cmd' ENTER
    go to the directory where you unzipped your upgrade (eg. c:\apex)
    -Here try to move this folder into the lowest level.
    Now, start sqlplus from this directory "c:\sqlplus sys/(password)@vmapexdev as sysdba
    at the
    SQL> prompt: "@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/" -- it should automatically exit sqlplus when it is finished.

    Also, make sure that you copy all the APEX folder files to root folder.

  8. go to cd c:\Users\user\Desktop\apex
    then connect sqlplus and run this -
    @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ - don't use the whole path to APEXINS.SQL, let it be in the current directory
    and it is apexins.sql APEX APEX TEMP /i/ and not SQL> @c:\Users\user\Desktop\apex\apexins.sql APEX APEX TEMPS /i/ --(you typed TEMPS, it is TEMP)

    Hope this helps.

  9. it works, thank you very much Vinay

  10. is there anyone who can fully help me in ORACLE APEX?

  11. hi vinay,

    @apxldimg c:
    thsi command not working


    SQL> @apxconf


    Enter values below for the XDB HTTP listener port and the password for the Application Express ADMIN user.
    Default values are in brackets [ ].
    Press Enter to accept the default value.

    ORA-01435: user does not exist

    Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options

  12. SQL> @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Session altered.


    . ORACLE
    . Application Express (APEX) Installation.
    ... Checking prerequisites (MANUAL)

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    ... Prerequisite checks passed.
    Performing installation in multitenant container database in the background.
    The installation progress is spooled into apexins_cdb*.log files.

    Please wait...

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins_catcon_3824.lst
    catcon: See coreins*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins6_catcon_4396.lst
    catcon: See coreins6*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins6_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins2_catcon_5148.lst
    catcon: See coreins2*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins2_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins7_catcon_4092.lst
    catcon: See coreins7*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins7_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins3_catcon_3476.lst
    catcon: See coreins3*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins3_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins4_catcon_2820.lst
    catcon: See coreins4*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins4_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins5_catcon_3096.lst
    catcon: See coreins5*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins5_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    Installation completed. Log files for each container can be found in:


    You can quickly scan for ORA errors or compilation errors by using a utility
    like grep:

    grep ORA- *.log
    grep PLS- *.log

  13. Hi Vinay,
    Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I successfully completed all the steps. However, when I enter my user-id an p/w, the same login dialog box appears. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks much,

  14. SQL> @apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Session altered.


    . ORACLE
    . Application Express (APEX) Installation.
    ... Checking prerequisites (MANUAL)

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    ... Prerequisite checks passed.


    Performing installation in multitenant container database in the background.
    The installation progress is spooled into apexins_cdb*.log files.

    Please wait...

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins_catcon_27049.lst
    catcon: See coreins*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins2_catcon_27070.lst
    catcon: See coreins2*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins2_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins3_catcon_27091.lst
    catcon: See coreins3*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins3_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins4_catcon_27112.lst
    catcon: See coreins4*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins4_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    catcon: ALL catcon-related output will be written to coreins5_catcon_27133.lst
    catcon: See coreins5*.log files for output generated by scripts
    catcon: See coreins5_*.lst files for spool files, if any
    validate_con_names: PDBORCL is not open
    catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    Installation completed. Log files for each container can be found in:


    You can quickly scan for ORA errors or compilation errors by using a utility
    like grep:

    grep ORA- *.log
    grep PLS- *.log


    1. Hi All,

      Any Update, I am also trying to install Apex 5.0 on Oracle 12c and getting below error.

      Please let me know if you install or solve this issue.

      validate_con_names: ORCLPDB is not open
      catconInit: Unexpected error returned by validate_con_names


  15. Hello, thank you and all the best. :)

  16. hello!
    Could you please help
    After entering the apex installation command:
    @apexins sysaux sysaux temp/i/
    I am getting error like
    grep ORA- *.log
    grep PLS- *.log
    kindly help me to install

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